Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Earning the Right to Coach [blue point]

Few leaders have recognized that to effectively coach in the workplace they must first earn the right to coach.

> Leader Coaches earn the right to coach by:
1. Demonstrating their commitment to performance improvement by openly discussing their personal development plans. (Mastery)
2. Being clear and consistent about their personal values. (Authenticity)
3. Having a burning desire to make a positive personal difference in the lives of others. (Passion)

> High Performance Alliances
Leader Coaches establish relationships in which they:
1. Are focused on fostering the very best in others. (Appreciative)
2. Insist upon personal ownership for performance improvement. (Detachment)
3. Seek out the truth, wherever that path will lead. (Confrontation)

> "Dangerous" Conversations
Leader Coaches engage in conversations that:
1. Explore new perspectives and possibilities, which are often radical and difficult. (Discovery).
2. Develop multiple new paths forward that involve significant personal change and rewards. (Creation)
3. Foster high levels of personal accountability for sustained change and development. (Commitment)

excerpt from > www.bluepointleadership.com