Monday, February 27, 2006

The 7 Characteristics of a Positive Deviant

1) Passion
Passion is the fuel behind your vision; It is the element that transforms selling into enrolling. Positive Deviants don’t quit because their passion drives them to find solutions to tough situations

2) High Moral or Social Purpose
Positive deviants have a “meta” perspective on their role or mission in life. This mission includes something greater than themselves, something that propels their behavior.

3) Seeing Holes vs. the Net
Positive deviants see the fishnet as an opportunity to break the traditional conceptual pattern; they are convinced that there is more than one right answer. To optimize the number of possible solutions, they intentionally change their perspective.

4) Moving Towards, Not Away
Positive Deviants focus on what is possible, what is desired. All acts are held in the context of moving toward success; they hold every activity as a step toward actualizing their vision.

5) Rapid Cognition
In almost any situation the positive deviant is able to move from “micro” to “macro” rapidly. The Positive Deviant intentionally perturbs their system knowing that it will increase the likelihood of a breakthrough.

6) Checking the Edges
Positive Deviants are passionately refining their techniques by exploring (learning) what is happening on the fringe. They do their best to anticipate the future rather than react to it.

7) Low Regard for Social Convention
For the Positive Deviant, following the rules creates ruts. They follow an internal compass that is not easily swayed by traditional convention; They tap into energies which heighten their consciousness.



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